Climate Change engagement takes centre stage

In 2012, we took a stance. We’d work in climate change engagement. It wasn’t popular. It wasn’t mainstream.

But we knew it would be. We knew it had to be.

Government changes with the climate

Fast forward to 2022, when climate change has helped propel a change of government. It’s a good time to reflect on what works and what doesn’t when we talk about climate change.

Just to be clear – we’re not scientists, we specialise in communities.

We listen to them, we track their sentiment, we monitor the pulse of community needs and aspirations.

And stand at the edge of what community wants – we understand climate change engagement.

Here’s our take on how to communicate and engage on climate change.

Be specific

There’s so much jargon in this space. Give people specific tasks and actions to undertake. Don’t just say “let’s focus on climate adaptation” – tell them what they can do.

Be current

Councils, bureaus of meteorology, scientists and universities have new research. Rely on the latest information – this space is moving fast.

Focus on actions

There is a great public desire to focus on what they can do to make a difference. There are plenty of things we can all do – buying less packaging and composting to reduce landfill, plant some trees, reduce unnecessary travel, support green companies.

Fight the urge to be complex

In a world that rewards technical excellence, we’ve got to remember the audience. Test your language on readability tests to make sure it speaks to the average person.

Written by Amanda Newbery
Articulous is led by founder and managing director Amanda Newbery, an award-winning communications and engagement professional. She has made a career of tackling difficult projects across Australia. A passionate and experienced communicator, she has worked with some of the country’s largest organisations and government organisations nationally. She is a sought-after issues and crisis advisor, especially for major corporations.