Five signs you need to modernise your PR

The PR industry has been frighteningly slow to adopt and adapt to the online environment. While ad agencies and interactive agencies have embraced online technologies head-on, many PR professionals have continued to focus on traditional media relations. But as newspapers, TV and radio have reinvented themselves to be more engaged with their audiences online, so too must PR.

1.     You Equate Profile Raising with Stories in the Media

Traditional media remains an important part of the media mix, because journalists and editors still largely lead the news agenda. But with audiences becoming increasingly fragmented with their media habits, traditional media relations need to be bolstered by online media, social media campaigns, and more cutting edge practices like interactive technology to cut through to your audience. At Articulous, we know that by integrating media within a broader PR campaign, you get better results. That means more hits on the your website, more calls and a reputation that reaches more of your stakeholders.

2.       Your PR Team and Social Media Teams Don’t Talk

Integrating your PR with social media means they work together and not at odds. All proactive campaigns need to operate at three levels – online, on-site, and on the news agenda. Do this by getting different teams together or by up-skilling your PR teams.

3.     You Blog, But Don’t Talk to Bloggers

Everyone it seems is writing a blog these days. But how many are actively pitching to bloggers? Bloggers are the new breed of journalists. They need copy, products, new ideas and images. We’ve found that building relationships with bloggers is crucial.

4.     You’re Still Pitching with Words Alone

Did you know that most people are visual learners? That means they are more likely to understand and remember something new if they see it. Include photos, videos or 3D visualisations such as Augmented Reality or Immersive Panoramas to tell your story. We’ve invested in providing Augmented Reality for our clients because it helps them to bring 2D images, plans and perspectives to life.

5.     You think Engagement is Not Part of the PR Sector

PR, at its purest, is about connecting with your publics. It’s about listening and communicating. Engagement– whether its community engagement, customer engagement, or employee engagement – can’t work unless we listen and communicate. If you haven’t embraced engagement, you need to. It’s where you can create reputations, create new ideas and create real connections with your audience.