Articulous developed and supported implementation of the strategic engagement plan for the City of the Gold Coast’s (CoGC’s) City Plan amendment package in 2019 (City Plan Major Updates 2 & 3) . After previous planning scheme amendments received limited feedback,...
Sunshine Coast – Mass Transit Options Analysis
As one of Australia’s fastest growing regions, Sunshine Coast Regional Council needed to explore a suite of mass transit options to reduce pressure on the local road network. Articulous developed and delivered a comprehensive program of engagement activities that...
Dunwich (Goompi) Masterplan for economic transition from sand mining to tourism
Articulous led community engagement for the Dunwich (Goompi) masterplanning process. North Stradbroke Island (NSI) - also known as Minjerribah to the Traditional Owners the Quandamooka people - is a popular tourist destination and home to a growing number of...
Noosa Council – Draft Housing Strategy
One of the greatest challenges currently facing Noosa Council is the current housing crisis and the lack of affordable and social housing available in the Noosa Shire. Articulous is working with Noosa Council to conduct community engagement and gather feedback on...
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority – Corporate Plan 2021-22
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Corporate Plan 2021–22 sets our strategic direction for the agency for the next four years. The Plan outlines the Authority’s vision, purpose and role, and highlights how key delivery strategies contribute to our key...
Genomics QLD – Support Network for Queensland Patients
Background In 2020 Articulous worked with Genomics QLD to design, facilitate, and report on engagement with patient groups and other stakeholders to develop a scope for the proposed Genomic Support Network for Queensland Patients, ensuring: patient group and other key...
Tweed Shire Council – Kingscliff Youth and Family Space
Tweed Shire Council engaged Articulous to facilitate a community roundtable discussion about the location and design of a new youth and family space in the Kingscliff area. The forum was designed to: Gather feedback and ideas from a range of stakeholders around the...
City of Gold Coast – Nobby Beach Urban Revitalisation Project
The City of Gold Coast appointed Articulous to develop a suite of interactive digital and engagement tools to seek community input on the proposed Nobby Beach Urban Revitalisation Project at a local street fiesta in 2019. To capture the attention of festival goers,...
Queensland Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan
Articulous was engaged to design and deliver eight regional forums and one industry forum to identify existing waste and resource recovery facilities in each region, the projected needs for these regions for the next 30 years, and opportunities for regional and...