Articulous was engaged to assist Seqwater deliver a series of community forums across South East Queensland on the Water Future Program to: Improve understanding of how communities value water now and their beliefs, attitudes and motivations for more efficient water...
community engagement
Racing Queensland – Greater Brisbane Greyhound Centre
Articulous was engaged to work with Tract Consultants on behalf of Racing Queensland to provide expertise in stakeholder and community engagement to support a development application for the Greater Brisbane Greyhound Centre (GBGC) located in Purga, Ipswich....
Moreton Bay Regional Council Bribie Island Youth Engagement
Articulous designed and facilitated three high school workshops with years 7-11 students to understand the kinds of activities and places that young people currently use, and to get ideas about what would make Bribie Island an even better place for young people in the...
Kingscliff Youth and Family Space
Tweed Shire Council engaged Articulous to facilitate a community roundtable discussion about the location and design of a new youth and family space in the Kingscliff area. The forum was designed to: Gather feedback and ideas from a range of stakeholders around the...
Nobby Beach Urban Revitalisation Project
The City of Gold Coast appointed Articulous to develop a suite of interactive digital and engagement tools to seek community input on the proposed Nobby Beach Urban Revitalisation Project at a local street fiesta in 2019. To capture the attention of festival goers,...