Articulous goes global

May was a busy month for Articulous team member Rob Gravestocks who spoke at conferences in Melbourne and Beijing.

Rob spoke on community resilience in the face of climate change at the Climate Adaptation 2018 Conference in Melbourne. Mounted by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility the sixth conference in the adaptation series brought together more than 400 practitioners, decision-makers and researchers from across Australia, New Zealand and the world to discuss the most recent research findings, challenges, planning processes and on-ground actions around climate change adaptation.

He also spoke about the complexities of train the trainer in adult learning at the International Conference on Education Research and Policy in Beijing. Hosted by the Asia Society of Researchers on the campus of Beijing University of Posts and Teleconmmunication, Rob squeezed in a quick trip to Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City and The Great Wall of China. Being a train nerd he loved the Beijing metro system and joining the locals on a day trip to Badaling to climb the Great Wall!