The Great Resignation has fast become kitchen table talk. The media talks of job vacancies going unfilled for months and productivity hitting the floor. How can organisations use employee engagement to stop your staff quitting their 9 to 5’s? Whether or not you...
engagement trends
Climate change topics the community really cares about
Aside from COVID, the hottest topic raised by community and stakeholders alike is climate change. In fact it comes up as a topic even when we're not specifically engaging on it! Even before the IPCC issued a Code Red for humanity, ordinary folk were raising their own...
Using the Maccas, Woolies and Coles Mindset to Engagement
If we really want to get more people to engage with councils and governments on the important topics, then we need to shake up engagement. Let’s apply a McDonalds or a Woollies / Coles / Aldi approach to public engagement projects and this is what you might do:...
What is community engagement?
Community engagement is the practice of gaining community input or feedback, or collaborating with communities, to make better decisions or to implement changes. The International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Australasia defines community engagement as:...
Stop doing these things in your engagement practice
Every day and in every industry we are continually adding ideas or processes. But so often we forget to stop doing things we've always done. When we review or audit community and stakeholder engagement within organisations, we see how passionate our engagement...
Why live community forums are making a comeback
In the past few months I’ve had the pleasure of attending a number of live community forums in South East Queensland. While attending these forums it struck me how much has changed in community engagement practices in the past ten years. More recently live community forums, with open invitations, seem to be making a comeback.
Communication Trends for the New Financial Year
Planning for next financial year’s communication program. When it comes to choosing the right strategies and tools that will deliver value for money, consider these trends…
Social Media is so Boring
Having a bit more time to throw at my social media profiles in the past few months I noticed that more and more people just share stuff. Less and less are people creating/posting original content. And, in my opinion it is BORING!
Being Heard in a Crowded Market
Every day, 55 million status updates are made on Facebook, 500 million tweets are sent, and daily newspaper chiefs-of-staff receive 500 media releases.