Aside from COVID, the hottest topic raised by community and stakeholders alike is climate change. In fact it comes up as a topic even when we're not specifically engaging on it! Even before the IPCC issued a Code Red for humanity, ordinary folk were raising their own...
Crisis Management
Tackling tough problems – improving staff morale
The executive manager shook his head. “I don’t know what to do. The annual staff survey results aren’t good. Staff morale is falling.” It wasn’t the first year. Morale had fallen in previous surveys. What should they do? At that point nobody knew. The answer lay in...
Is the communications team from the ABS ready to explode? They should be!
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recently stated that it planned to actively prosecute Australians who had failed to complete their census within the allotted timeframe. Apparently there are up to one million Australians facing a fine for an incomplete census! There are questions that have to remain.
The Power of Words; A very real Case Study on the word Sorry
In both engagement and communications the word sorry is one that is greatly under utilised.
Successful Reputation Risk Management Boils Down To Three Things.
I had an opportunity recently to talk to a client about managing an issue that threatened the company’s brand in the long term.
Made a Monumental Mistake? It’s not all Doom and Gloom
Something you did just lost the company its biggest paying client.
The phone rings; giant beads of sweat start to gather on your forehead, your heart races and you know instantly what’s coming.
If You’re Not At The Dinner Table You Might Be On The Menu
In IAP2 and community engagement land there is a great saying that goes along the lines of; if you’re not at the dinner table you might be on the menu.
Change and the Power of Engagement
If there is one underlying message from both the recent election in Queensland and the rumblings surrounding a potential change of Prime Minister in Canberra it is that party powerbrokers believe that in both cases they have struggled to ‘sell their message”.
Engaging Mental Health Patients in Reform – What Happens When the Right People are in the Room
Community Engagement for Mental Health – What Happens When The Right People Are In the Room?