One of the greatest challenges currently facing Noosa Council is the current housing crisis and the lack of affordable and social housing available in the Noosa Shire. Articulous is working with Noosa Council to conduct community engagement and gather feedback on...
Local government
Tweed Shire Council – Kingscliff Youth and Family Space
Tweed Shire Council engaged Articulous to facilitate a community roundtable discussion about the location and design of a new youth and family space in the Kingscliff area. The forum was designed to: Gather feedback and ideas from a range of stakeholders around the...
City of Gold Coast – Nobby Beach Urban Revitalisation Project
The City of Gold Coast appointed Articulous to develop a suite of interactive digital and engagement tools to seek community input on the proposed Nobby Beach Urban Revitalisation Project at a local street fiesta in 2019. To capture the attention of festival goers,...
Toowoomba Regional Council – Toowoomba Region Urban Form Framework
Articulous was contracted to lead and implement a strategic engagement strategy for Toowoomba Regional Council and to carry out the community and stakeholder engagement needed to complete the study known as the Toowoomba Region Urban Form Framework, originally titled...
Ipswich City Council – Community Vision
In August 2020, Ipswich City Council embarked on a process of creating a community vision 20 years into the future: the year 2040. The community vision would support the development of Council’s Corporate Plan 2021-2026, including indicators and key measures of...
Cairns Regional Council – Cairns Youth Climate Summit
Young people from across Cairns helped shape climate actions for the Cairns region until 2030 as part of Cairns Regional Council’s Cairns Youth Climate Summit on the 18 October 2019. This was the first youth climate change summit to be held by a Council in Australia,...
Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning – The Spit master plan
The future of the Southport Spit (The Spit) was a source of tension over recent decades, with conflicting views among community, residents, industry and business groups resulting in no clear direction for its future. The Department of State Development, Manufacturing,...
Cairns Regional Council – Our Cairns
The challenge Our Cairns was launched to identify the needs and desires of the Cairns community to help develop a new Corporate plan and ensure Council considered the social, liveability, economic and cultural aspirations of the wider community. Our action Articulous...
Brisbane City Council – Plan your Brisbane
The challenge Over 100,000 residents engaged in Plan your Brisbane Articulous is proud to have been a key contributor to one of the largest community engagement initiatives ever to be implemented in Australia. Our action Plan your Brisbane engaged more than 100,000...