As the effects of climate change become more apparent, Australians are turning to lower-emission vehicles as a means of reducing their individual carbon footprint. Electric vehicle deliveries are up by 334 per cent year-on-year, with no sign of slowing down,...
Climate change engagement
Collective impact and climate change
Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most complex and pressing issue for those in behaviour change. There are a range of opinions about what change theory is the most effective for something as multifaceted as climate change. One of those is collective impact, an...
Engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities for disaster management
With over 60,000 years of connection to country, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members throughout Australia have had a deep, technical and scientific traditional knowledge of the environment. This knowledge includes an understanding of land...
Greenwashing: The effects of climate-change focused consumers
The increase in awareness and concern of climate change among Australians is great news. The effects include more sustainable lifestyle choices by government, people, and corporations. But, sometimes, these sustainability claims by companies are unsupported or...
What we learned from engaging with 150,000 people
We never dreamed we'd engage with 150,000 people. Or that we would learn so much about what our communities really want, and really think. We hope you'll also learn something insightful from this series. We learned that: Change is not always scary The community really...
Climate Change engagement takes centre stage
In 2012, we took a stance. We’d work in climate change engagement. It wasn’t popular. It wasn’t mainstream. But we knew it would be. We knew it had to be. Government changes with the climate Fast forward to 2022, when climate change has helped propel a change of...
Environmental engagement for people, planet and profit
Environmental sustainability is a world-wide concern. Communities are demanding action from governments and businesses alike on local, national and global levels, and they want to be involved. They want to actively engage with organisations in making decisions that...
Climate change topics the community really cares about
Aside from COVID, the hottest topic raised by community and stakeholders alike is climate change. In fact it comes up as a topic even when we're not specifically engaging on it! Even before the IPCC issued a Code Red for humanity, ordinary folk were raising their own...
Stories of our Regional and Remote Communities
Travelling into regional and remote communities in 2021 we heard many stories of heartbreak resulting from devastating natural disasters.Like one person’s plight to shift 1000s of dead cattle off a property devastated by flood waters.Not only did they lose their...