The Challenge As meeting the challenge of natural disaster shifts from recovery to preparedness and mitigation, how do you get people to act like a disaster is imminent, when it just doesn’t feel like it? Our Action Develop a 5-year communication framework and the...
Genomic Support Network for Queensland Patients
Background In 2020 Articulous worked with Genomics QLD to design, facilitate, and report on engagement with patient groups and other stakeholders to develop a scope for the proposed Genomic Support Network for Queensland Patients, ensuring: patient group and other key...
Brisbane City Council – Inner Spark
Brisbane City Council needed a strategy to generate innovative ideas that would shape the transformation of Brisbane’s inner city centre and surrounding precincts, over the next 10 years and into the future. Articulous was engaged to develop a communications and...
Kingscliff Youth and Family Space
Tweed Shire Council engaged Articulous to facilitate a community roundtable discussion about the location and design of a new youth and family space in the Kingscliff area. The forum was designed to: Gather feedback and ideas from a range of stakeholders around the...
Local Government Association of Qld
The LGAQ, Articulous and software developer Bail Enemy Jet developed the concept and MVP (minimum viable product) for the LGAQ’s tool to gamify public education and choice making for local council planning. The scenario-based game called “Better Communities” has a...
Toowoomba Region Urban Form Framework
Articulous was contracted to lead and implement a strategic engagement strategy for Toowoomba Regional Council and to carry out the community and stakeholder engagement needed to complete the study known as the Toowoomba Region Urban Form Framework, originally titled...
Ipswich City Council Community Vision
In August 2020, Ipswich City Council embarked on a process of creating a community vision 20 years into the future: the year 2040. The community vision would support the development of Council’s Corporate Plan 2021-2026, including indicators and key measures of...
Queensland Health COVID-19 Health System Response Plan
As the state’s borders reopened and COVID-19 entered the community. Queensland Health was proactive in planning for the next stage of its COVID-19 pandemic response. Articulous was engaged to assist in managing public-facing and internal communications to ensure a...
The Spit master plan
The future of the Southport Spit (The Spit) was a source of tension over recent decades, with conflicting views among community, residents, industry and business groups resulting in no clear direction for its future. The Department of State Development, Manufacturing,...