Engaging Mental Health Patients in Reform – What Happens When the Right People are in the Room
Community Engagement for Mental Health – What Happens When The Right People Are In the Room?
Why fly-throughs are yesterday’s technology
A TV producer recently said to me, “I’m assuming you’ve got a fly-through so can you send that on to us.” The answer of course, was yes.
Top 10 reasons people reject change
For some of us, change is exciting; for most people, change is something to fear and for others, change is terrifying and they will reject it.
Soft skills make for tough leaders
Here’s a secret most Executives won’t tell you: on their route to the top, they most probably received communications training.
Technical brilliance and business acumen will have made them stand out, but it’s often the softer skills of interpersonal communication, business development or networking as well as presentation skills that pushed them to the top of the pile.
Defining the public’s role in community engagement
What to say when the community asks “What’s the point of community engagement, and what do you expect from us?” The International Association of Public Participation’s (IAP2)...
Community Engagement Word of the Month: Evengagealist
"Evengagealist". Definition: the evangelist of the community engagement profession. You'll recognise the Evengagealist by their empassioned belief that we should engage the...
Wayne Bennett, Cage Eggs and Julia Gillard
Amanda Newbery regularly contributes to Steve Austin’s expert panel on The Hidden Persuaders on ABC 612 to discuss advertising and how it shapes our lives.
Beyond Decision Making in Community Engagement
So you’ve done your community engagement. The public is happy. They’ve been heard, influenced and perhaps collaborated in or empowered the decision making.
Then what?
The Future of Newspapers, The Qld Police Union, Media Apologies, and more
Amanda Newbery is a regular guest panelist on Steve Austin’s The Hidden Persuaders on ABC 612 where they critique advertising, marketing and the media, and how it shapes our lives.