Why Do We Use Jargon And How Can We Stop?
Here is a shocking revelation, are you ready? We all use jargon at work because it puts us in a position of power.
The 7 Steps To Improving Work Performance I Learnt From Masterchef
I realised one night while watching the contestants fumble over ingredients and battle it out in a pressure test that just like in Masterchef, successful work performance requires effective organisation, planning, process, delivery and evaluation.
If You’re Not At The Dinner Table You Might Be On The Menu
In IAP2 and community engagement land there is a great saying that goes along the lines of; if you’re not at the dinner table you might be on the menu.
How Do You Escape Pressure?
Learning to balance that pressure to ensure that it doesn’t eat up your brain space in your down time is critical to ensuring a good work/life balance. So how do you find that space?
Planning For Professional Development
At the end of every financial year, our clients start to focus on professional development as part of their budgeting process.
Engaging The Community More To Gather Data
In community engagement, we often talk about involving the community in decision making, from providing feedback on options, to deliberating in forums or on citizens juries, or even voting.
Why Professional Services Firms Don’t Blog Well
In one month I had conversations with law firm, accountancy, IT and architecture partners complaining that their staff had nothing they could talk about.
They wanted to blog.
Visual Communication: Why Icons and Emoticons Matter
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The ART of Conversation: Some Things Don’t Change
In a world where technology introduces a new communications or engagement tool, app or software daily, it's important to remember ... you can always rely on good conversations,...