In our work it is clear that the disaster story is switching focus from recovery to preparation. When it comes to the behaviour of individuals, being prepared also saves lives. From a communication perspective it has its challenges.
Why Engage? Because we’re Human.
In an age where data is king, and every transaction and enquiry is trackable, some will ask “why engage?”.
Why spend the time? Why take the added expense?
8 tips to nailing a top-line presentation
Presenting your hard work can be daunting, especially when it’s to senior management, but it’s also a great opportunity to demonstrate what you have achieved and the value of your findings.
Evaluation – what does it really mean for your communication or engagement project?
Evaluation is a common word in communication and engagement circles, and yet it is often overlooked or hastily considered at the conclusion of a project.
Employee Communications: Say something with meaning or don’t bother
I have been fortunate to work with some very clever employee communications and engagement experts in my career and one key lesson that has stuck with me is – If you aren’t saying anything meaningful then don’t say it at all.
Being the loudest guy/girl in the room doesn’t make a good Presenter
Some people believe that to be a good presenter or public speaker, you have to be charismatic and outgoing, but this simply isn’t true.
Not everyone has a Marketing Budget to match Star Wars, but you can still make an Impact
Not everyone has a marketing budget the size of a small country’s GDP, but luckily for us it takes more than money to captivate people’s imagination and drive success.
Summer is a Great Time to Take Stock
Here are a few tips I have learnt along the way to make the most of the quieter summer period
What’s the Key to a Sound Engagement Process?
The answer is simple – focus on being a champion of the process not a champion of the outcome.