The perceived influence of the daily newspaper is out of proportion with the volume of its readership and numbers are dropping. However some editors and journalists would still have you believe that they are the sole king and queen-makers in our modern society.
social media
Social Media is so Boring
Having a bit more time to throw at my social media profiles in the past few months I noticed that more and more people just share stuff. Less and less are people creating/posting original content. And, in my opinion it is BORING!
The Power of Words; A very real Case Study on the word Sorry
In both engagement and communications the word sorry is one that is greatly under utilised.
5 tips to Communicating on a Shoestring
While communications sometimes takes a backseat, if you follow these 5 sure-fire tips you can avoid a communication meltdown.
Online Engagement: To Moderate or Not to Moderate that is the Question.
When organisations set up any type of online discussion forum (and there are loads of them out there but that’s for another blog and maybe more) the conversation inevitably leads to discussions about moderation.
Communications – A Few Tips to Cutting Through
Imagine you are a marketer, how you would try to market to that eclectic mix! In a world of tailored content it is always going to be highly challenging to market to everybody on every level with every story.
Why Professional Services Firms Don’t Blog Well
In one month I had conversations with law firm, accountancy, IT and architecture partners complaining that their staff had nothing they could talk about.
They wanted to blog.
Is Social Media Derailing Your Project?
Our communities are sophisticated and sceptical with unprecedented access to information. If they missed the paper, the radio or evening news, they can get online and catch up on the story at a time that suits them.
How communications professionals can do more with less
It’s 9am and you’ve already read the news, tracked social media mentions, checked google analytics and cleared some of your overnight emails. Your director has piled another task on your teetering workload. Then a crisis hits and you know you’re never going to get to the stuff you need to.