You might think a typical gamer is a young male who spends hours gaming in their room, not seeing the light of day. This stereotype is not accurate, not even slightly. Around 60% of everyday Australians play video games daily, the average gamer is aged 34 years, and...
Gamification in engagement
How can I create a Pokemon world for my project?
Pokemon GO has turned the world nuts. It’s officially the biggest online craze to hit the real world. And has brought the augmented world to the mainstream public.
Will Gamification work for your Project? – Reduce your Juice Revisited
It wasn’t just about engaging people, but about changing behaviour, so the games were designed to teach people positive actions and show them the gamified result with the aim of then replicating the real life behaviour
Have You Heard About… Reduce Your Juice
This week I heard about City Smart’s gamification initiative that is targeting low-income, adult renters to help them reduce their energy usage.