If you want fresh thinking and innovation, then you need to engage with young people. We’ve run Australia’s first youth summit on climate change initiated by a Council, and engaged thousands of students through travelling shows, and ran a curated film competition....
engaging with young people
Reaching young people doesn’t need to be hard, but it needs to be engaging
Youth engagement is becoming an increasingly important part of engagement activities where projects and decisions have an impact on the youth of today and are likely to keep impacting them into the future. In any engagement project young people are typically one of...
150,000 people engaged – Community insight #9 Age
The Millennials: How do we engage this new workforce?
Millennials certainly are creating change and challenging our traditional beliefs when it comes to how work gets done. Managers who are traditionally accustomed to a Baby Boomer workforce will need to engage new strategies to retain and motivate this growing group of Millennials.
We are the Online World – how Technology and the Internet can enable Online Engagement
Recently discussions have begun to explore the concept that we are the internet and the internet is a reflection of us. This has many ramifications for the way we approach online engagement, so let’s explore what this means.
What Having A Toddler Has Taught Me About Community Engagement And Communications
The flipside to being the parent of a toddler is the tantrums. As any parent, at any time, will tell you, there is nothing like a toddler tantrum to test your newfound Zen-like state. The best possible time for a tantrum too is at maximum inconvenience for you…