Every day, 55 million status updates are made on Facebook, 500 million tweets are sent, and daily newspaper chiefs-of-staff receive 500 media releases.
Why Storytelling Works
Type in the phrase “top ten ways” into Google and you’ll get 227 million results in 0.48 seconds.
Yes, that’s 227 million times someone has come up with the top ten ways to do something.
What’s Happening
From climate change to new planning schemes and earthquake recovery, take a sneak peek into the latest projects at Articulous.
Don’t Forget to Talk AND Listen
The two things that people found most challenging when engaging face to face was to a) talk about things in a manner that all stakeholders can understand and b) stop talking and listen.
Communication, Soggy Tomatoes and Darth Vader
How we communicate (or don’t) can mean the difference between sitting with the cool kids at lunch, and lunching alone on a soggy tomato sandwich.
To Tell or To Teach?
One question that our clients keep coming back to us with lately is: when do you tell somebody the solution and when do you teach them to find the answer themselves?
Change and the Power of Engagement
If there is one underlying message from both the recent election in Queensland and the rumblings surrounding a potential change of Prime Minister in Canberra it is that party powerbrokers believe that in both cases they have struggled to ‘sell their message”.
New Year’s Resolutions for Communication Professionals
Ah, January. A time for making New Year’s Resolutions. February – a time for breaking them!
If you want to make a New Year’s Work Resolution that will make your working year simpler, and a resolution you’re likely to stick to, then consider one of these:
Top 10 reasons people reject change
For some of us, change is exciting; for most people, change is something to fear and for others, change is terrifying and they will reject it.