150,000 people engaged – Community insight #4 Creativity
Amanda discusses five creative ways to engage people when you think they don't want to be involved. 1. Create a brand for your engagement It's not enough to say 'come and hear about this work'. Create a brand and a campaign. 2. Talk about community topics They might...
A strategy can fail without the will to drive it
Can a well-constructed and resourced strategy succeed without the will of those driving it? A good strategy, communicated, will keep things moving, but often it is an individual or group’s will, particularly ‘the sheer force of will’ that delivers the most...
150,000 people engaged – Community insight #3 Data and tech
Over the past four years, we've engaged more than 150,000 across Australia and New Zealand to address the big data issues facing our communities and organisations. That's 150,000 people who've made an active contribution, mostly positive, and not just 150,000 clicks,...
Substance over slogans
When you think about some of the great marketing campaigns in the world, you think about the slogan and the catchy jingle. You know the ones – they give you ear worm when you turn on the TV or radio. Undeniably these slogans are great for the products they...
Community insight #2 – the community and environment
In the second part of our Insights series, we unpack the many shades of green and take a more detailed look at what community and environment issues really are. Aside from the technology and data, one of the biggest changes we’ve seen is how much more closely people...
A picture tells a thousand words
We all know that feeling when we just can’t communicate what we are trying to say. It’s not because we don’t know what to say. It’s because it’s often hard for people to visualise what we mean. You can put forward the best argument, argue the best case and have all of...
150,000 people engaged – Community insight #1 Change is not always scary
There's a terrible myth that people don't want change. That's just not true. What people are actually afraid of is change when there's no sense of control. Or when change is forced upon them and there are no options. Most people, when they understand the challenges,...
Our top 9 predictions for engagement in 2019
1. Civic Innovation powers ahead - The Smart Cities Council launched the Guidance Note for Civic Innovation which defines civic innovation for the first time, and defines 5 principles for good practice. 2. Measuring up - Evaluation and measurement will continue to...