One of the benefits of plane travel for work is solitude. As anybody with children will attest it’s one of those rare moments in life where you can have real quiet.
The ART of Conversation: Understanding People
Don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.
What I learnt from watching The Block
I like to think of myself as a discerning, intelligent consumer of media, but to be honest I just can’t help myself when it comes to reality TV.
How can you build resilience when you work in community engagement
It’s Saturday, and you’ve had a long week already but you’ve got to manage a community drop in session.
The local community is angry. There’s an action group, and a particularly angry man.
The ART of Conversation: Seeing Beauty in Complexity
Understanding people and their needs, is about seeing the colour and complexity of their lives and piecing it back together to make sense.
IAP2 Spectrum – has it Reached its Use-by Date
I remember the first time I met the Spectrum. I was at a pub one night (truthfully – ok it was an IAP2 networking event when there were less than 100 members in Australasia). And it was love at first sight.
Innovation – Finding that Competitive Advantage Through Employee Engagement
Sit long enough in a boardroom and the inevitable discussion emerges as out how to create greater competitive advantage.
The ART of Conversation: Lighten Up
Every conversation needs light and shade. Look for the joy and the emotion to create lasting connections.
Community Engagement Jobs – Now and in the Future
Fifteen years ago, community engagement was a fringe profession; the domain of a few passionate experts. Cynics described engagement as a fad.