
Max Hardy

Amanda is intelligent, warm and enthusiastic. She is principled as well as being pragmatic. A skilled facilitator, Amanda is much loved by her trainees. I know this because they tell me often. Amanda is clearly one of the most popular IAP2 trainers in Australia.  

Michelle Weston

 “Amanda has delivered many training session for us and I trust her completely to do a great job. She receives a significant amount of praise from participants who are impressed by her leadership and vast breadth of knowledge in the community engagement field as well...

Paul Bird

Amanda is professional, understanding client needs and focussed on working with the client to achieve best possible outcomes.

Paul Eagles

Amanda has significant experience in complex and controversial projects and shown she can handle them very well and achieve outcomes that meet the client and community expectations. Amanda provides insightful and thoughtful advice on communicating stakeholders and the...

Darryl Bell

“Amanda from Articulous was key to the success of our Community Safety Think Tank. I'd highly recommend Amanda and Articulous for the ability to understand our needs, design and facilitate a workshop with innovative and creative tools to bring forward excellent...

Training participant

"Amanda Newbery is the best trainer I have had to date. She was knowledgeable and engaging. She also went into the group work in Miro and made suggestions in the breaks - which has never ever happened before in a training course i have done with IAP2."

Training participant

I can't speak highly enough of Amanda. She was so generous with her expertise and real life experiences. This really helped me absorb the material. She is a powerful presenter and presented the materials in a compelling manner, an excellent trainer who created an...

Training participant

"Highly recommend Amanda - she was a fabulous, engaging and informative tutor, very engaging and is the best facilitator I have had throughout the engagement certificate units."