Environment and climate change
In Australia we are seeing more and more extreme and unprecedented weather events because of climate change.
Communities and businesses are increasingly demanding policies and actions that reflect this reality from all levels of government.
Articulous facilitated public forums in Lismore, Gympie, and other areas that have experienced catastrophic floods. People who live in these areas have experienced the reality of climate change and want practical adaptation strategies.
Decision processes must embrace diverse views to generate broadly-accepted solutions.
This is especially important when developing climate adaption strategies that require towns and suburbs to become communities of empowered and resilient residents.
People want and need to be heard and to be part of the solution. Engaging local communities about the impact of climate change is critical. We’ve been working in this area since we opened our doors and are a leading expert in climate change engagement.
What are the opportunities?
Extreme weather events and the recent pandemic have combined to escalate pressure on finite food, water, and energy resources. In response government and industry are seeking opportunities to do more with less, achieve carbon neutrality, and protect biodiversity.
However, innovation is not enough to achieve change. People must adopt new ways of living, working, and playing. They need to understand why change is needed and to have a voice in shaping what that change looks like.
How can Articulous help?
Awareness campaigns
The first step in helping communities adapt to our changing climate, and to harnessing emerging green and circular economies, is understanding the challenges and the opportunities.
Our expert team knows how to translate complex issues, legislation, and planning concepts into easy-to-understand content. We also know how to show these concepts in videos, infographics, web content and online interactive activities where people can explore different scenarios.
Engaging communities in person or online
Sometimes people need to talk. Our experienced team can facilitate difficult conversations between government, business, and communities. We help Councils, regulators, and peak business groups talk constructively with people who are already or will experience climate change impacts first hand.
Whether it’s face-to-face forums, town halls and roadshows, or digital forums, we have the technical knowledge to understand what people want to talk about.
We have engaged with communities on:
- ^Renewable energy (REZ's, policy and projects)
- ^Wind farms
- ^Resource recovery (policy, landfills, waste-to-energy, FOGO)
- ^Fauna (koalas, flying foxes, endangered species)
- ^Climate adaptation
- ^Water (supply and demand, pricing, infrastructure, policy)
Behaviour Change Programs
When it’s time to get people to act, we apply evidence-based tactics.
Our track record includes:
- ^Using public and active transport
- ^Heatwave protections
- ^Post-flood resilience
- ^Resource recovery
- ^Land contamination
We are also experienced in developing social licence to operate programs, and longitudinal studies.
Empowering communities to adapt to climate change
Sometimes, problems are too big for one level of government or a single industry body to solve. When problems are this big, government and industry need local communities to commit to real change.
Articulous has tested the use of a wide range of engagement activities to help communities investigate tricky topics, gather information and shape activities that suit their needs. This includes activities like citizen panels, juries and other deliberative activities. Our team also works to build capacity in these communities so they can lead change and apply adaptive strategies.
Our work
Some of our environment and climate change projects.