Disaster resilience for tourism
Articulous has extensive and award-winning expertise in disaster resilience for the tourism industry. We have worked with tourism organisations and operators from Far North Queensland through to western Queensland and NSW to better prepare for, respond to and recover from a range of disasters and crises.
Disaster resilience
Floods, cyclones, bushfires and the pandemic have wreaked havoc in many tourist destinations in recent times. As climate change challenges continue, disasters are increasingly becoming an annual event requiring businesses to plan ahead more than ever before.
We help communities, regional and local tourism authorities, councils and businesses to prepare, respond and recover so they can get through their worst day in the best possible way.
Long term sustainability
Understanding emerging trends and opportunities is critical for future growth and stability of tourism programs. Our work helps the sector understand the opportunities and develop the resources and capabilities to embrace them. This includes helping areas transition from more traditional resource-based activities to tourism-led economies.
Our approach
We work with organisations and operators to understand their unique risks and experiences. Using best practice engagement strategies and learnings from international research, we co-design, define and co-implement solutions including toolkits, campaigns or online resources.
We also help build partnerships between emergency services, disaster management services, local and state government and tourism representatives and local businesses so that they can better manage and coordinate messaging to visitors and the media before, during and after crises.
As a trusted partner to government, we have developed Queensland’s first Tourism Crisis Communication Toolkit and Australia’s first Small Business Disaster Hub, which is a one-stop shop of disaster resources to assist a range of sectors including tourism.
How we help
Crisis communications toolkits
- ^Key crisis checklists, templates and toolkits
- ^Tips to manage their business during a crisis
- ^Crisis messaging for all stakeholders including customers, staff, suppliers and the media
- ^Crisis communication tips and tactics
- ^Campaign ideas for the recovery period including social media and video resources
- ^Online and printed resources
Crisis resilience training
- ^Build capability through workshops and group training
- ^Practical experience using the toolkits
- ^Real life crisis scenarios tailored for the audience
- ^Skills to effectively use templates and activity checklists
- ^Develop resilient leaders and teams
- ^Delivered online or in person
- ^Key messages
- ^Communications templates
Our work
- ^Online via browser or specialist app
- ^Targeted resources for tourism and hospitality, retail, primary producers, transport and logistics and construction
- ^‘To do’ tips and checklists for different disaster scenarios
- ^Case studies
- ^Navigating insurance claims and links to financial support services
- ^Cross agency campaigns to support adoption
Our work
Some of our disaster resilience for tourism projects.