The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) engaged Articulous to help small businesses build disaster preparedness and resilience as a result of the impact of multiple disasters over recent years, including COVID-19, the 2019 monsoon floods, 2019 bushfires and cyclones. Many small businesses indicated they have limited time and resources to prepare for disasters, were overwhelmed by available resources and couldn’t find information specifically tailored to them. With many business owners reluctant to openly admit they need help and many struggling to access reliable internet services Articulous was asked to come up with a solution to help them.

- Engage small businesses and industry groups to identify gaps in existing crisis resources and develop targeted resources to help small businesses better prepare for, respond to and recover from future disasters.
- Identify and develop small business disaster resources that are genuinely needed, easy to use and understand and tailored to relevant business sectors
- Raise awareness among small businesses about the resources so they know where to go and what to do
- Help share and enhance disaster best practice among 14 councils impacted by 2019 monsoon

Feedback and usage of the disaster hub indicates it has become a key resource for small businesses, councils and business groups state-wide. The hub’s key outcome is in helping small businesses build their capacity, capability and resilience across the state.
Small businesses across the state now have access to a comprehensive resource to help them prevent, prepare, respond and recover covering nine different types of disasters or crises facing small business.
As a result of the launch and campaign more than 6,000 small businesses and stakeholders have been engaged through the project, with about 180,000 informed about the disaster hub.
Training, engagement and sharing communication digital and other comms tools with local councils and business organisations has also meant councils and stakeholders across Queensland have promoted the disaster hub on their websites, social media and directly engaged small businesses about it.
Nearly 1,600 small businesses have accessed the disaster hub website and about 650 have downloaded the app to date.
Feedback from stakeholders and small businesses has been exceptionally positive about the hub throughout the development phase and post launch, with most indicating the disaster hub will address a critical gap in providing easy to access and navigate tailored information for different small business sectors to prepare, respond and recover from a broad range of disasters and crises.
Nearly all stakeholders engaged indicated the hub content, design, navigation and resources were highly relevant and useful for small businesses. The majority of stakeholders also said they would be happy to promote it to their members or small business audiences.