For some people the tricky part of engagement can be actually making the decision to engage and working out how to go about it. While it's vital to have a strategy that informs engagement, it's equally as important not to skip past the nuts and bolts of what outcomes...
The truth about common ground and community engagement
Common ground is something that people agree about even if they disagree about other things (Merriam-Webster, 2018). It can be an important objective of community engagement where there is strong disagreement or conflict between groups. However, reaching common ground...
Help stamp out burnout in a 24/7 world
You know them. They left the office at 10pm, kept working overnight and they’re back in the office at 6am. By then they’ve already scanned what was trending, the media clippings and their emails. Breakfast was a double shot coffee. But it didn’t really pierce through...
No one’s listening, right?
How good are your powers of persuasion? Here’s 5 simple steps to selling the most complex ideas.
It’s a celebrity… get ME outta here!
When it comes to reality TV, celebrities sell. But when it comes to facilitation, sticking a celebrity out front won’t fool ‘em. And you might pay dearly for the mistake.
Good presentation skills require us to challenge our preconceptions
What are the elements that make for a good communicator, or conversely, a poor one? Why is it that some have the gift of presenting and some do not? How do presenters stand out when most follow a very similar formula?
Project E
Here at Articulous we have been working on a very exciting start up project which promises to be a game-changer in the world of engagement and evaluation.
Communicating major change
It is a fine line between engaging the troops and spooking the horses when your organisation is faced with significant change. I have been involved in a number of transitions, mergers and acquisitions and it really can be a scary time for teams. Maintaining a positive organisational culture is key to change success. So how much is too much information? What is important to those working in the team versus the executive management who are managing the change?
Could a conversation with a computer change how we engage?
Conversational User Interfaces (CUIs), more commonly known as voice recognition tools or chatbots, have big implications for engagement professionals, and we should be excited – very excited. The question on my lips is not whether the rise of conversational interfaces can help us to engage, but how we can best use them to engage in meaningful ways.