Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Engagement

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2 day course



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Course overview

Online wherever you are. 20 participants only.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are what we strive for in engagement.

But how can we actually achieve it?

How can we put equity at the centre of our work? How can we reach those people affected by the projects we’re engaged to support, whose voices are often not even a whisper?

Packed with industry-leading knowledge

Developed by Articulous in partnership with IAP2 Australasia, this course is what you need if you are interested in ensuring you are ready to consider what is equitable engagement and just how ready you are to do this work.

Two ladies sitting at a work bench by the window, looking at a laptop and working together

In this one-day course, you’ll:

  • ^Explore the five dimensions of engagement conflict, what is ‘appropriate’ and what is aggressive
  • ^Learn how to anticipate difficult situations and challenging behaviours before they reach crisis level
  • ^Place the IAP2 Community Engagement Model’s profiles at the centre of your engagement planning
  • ^Identify the triggers and context for conflict in engagement
  • ^Recognise affective and functional conflicts, how to tell the difference, what to do in each case – and the consequences of ignoring them
  • ^Understand strategies for responding to difficult situations and challenging behaviours with individuals and with groups
  • ^Learn about the role of emotional intelligence and managing your own hot buttons
  • ^Appreciate how context of the group and individuals can influence their response
  • ^Appreciate how context of the group and individuals can influence their response
  • ^How ‘online’ changes things
  • ^And much more..

DEI will challenge you personally

The course will challenge your thinking and encourage self reflection. It works to ensure you, the community and the organisation is ready to shift their practice to centre equity. It’s backed by up-to-the-minute research and, most importantly, it challenges the norm for you to immediately identify ways to transform your own practice. It:

  • ^Unpacks the principles of DEI
  • ^Defines equity and inclusion and how it’s different from other terms
  • ^Tackles complex topics such as race, disability, privilege, trauma – and our own conscious and unconscious biases
  • ^Questions the concept of “hard-to-reach” stakeholders
  • ^Explores the barriers, systems and structures that impact on engagement
  • ^Introduces the Equity Centring Framework

DEI will challenge you to be a better engager

Expect to see the world in a new way. Over four sessions and two days, we know this program will:

  • ^Challenge you to explore what’s ‘normal’ and what equity in engagement and in your own engagement practices could look like
  • ^Ask you to self-reflect on where your own power lies, and expand on your engagement practices
  • ^Invite you to understand our own role in the systems and structures that create exclusion
  • ^Question what you think you know about the people in the communities your project is touching
  • ^Show how to get unstuck when you get blocked by your own responses
  • ^Explore how to apply the Equity Centring Framework

It’s not only about you

This course is personally challenging. It’s designed that way, to move you to a different understanding and new way of operating personally and culturally.

But, it’s also about your organisation: the power, politics and process that plays out in every project and how you, as a professional engager, can navigate your way through it to the best possible outcome:

  • ^The critical political factors to consider when you’re designing your engagement, to work successfully with elected and unelected leaders
  • ^What you can control
  • ^Political and positional power, and how to understand its impacts on your project
  • ^The role of Reconciliation in your project
  • ^Where privilege shows up and how it maintains the status quo

The framework and tools you need

  • ^Explains the key concepts of equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • ^Explores tools to support more equitable and inclusive outcomes in engagement, and consider best practice
  • ^Applies the Equity Centring Framework for public engagement processes
  • ^Design your own DEI action plan – a program of inclusive and equitable engagement methods

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for: 

  • ^Engagement professionals with any level of experience
  • ^Other professionals who are interested in how DEI can impact and improve their practice, communications and projects
  • ^Teams who need to evolve their practice to be more equity-centred
  • ^Elected and appointed leaders interested in making their organisation more equitable, inclusive and diverse

No previous study is required. We ask only that you bring an open mind and a willingness to explore and be challenged.


This course is delivered online over one or two days.

  • ^Two days: 8:30am – 1:00pm (includes 30-minute technical onboarding and breaks each day)
  • ^One day: 8:30am - 5:00pm
  • ^Online delivery using Zoom (you can join online and don’t need to install anything)
  • ^Training scenarios
  • ^Course material including the templates and tools for each stage

Training participants say…

Really informative and helpful. Positive, practical, provided good strategies for difficult situations.

Training participant

Amanda has significant experience in complex and controversial projects and shown she can handle them very well and achieve outcomes that meet the client and community expectations.

Amanda provides insightful and thoughtful advice on communicating stakeholders and the public especially when emotions are charged and is very strategic in her approach.

Paul Eagles

Yesterday I went to bed later than I am used to. Not because I had insomnia, but because I was participating in the brilliant #digitalengagement webinar
promoted by Articulous Communications in Australia, and lead by Alice Sherring.

I have to say, it was amazing!! It made me change my way of understanding digital engagement. I now believe it CAN be as powerful as offline #communityengagement. It can even produce better results, especially for engaging with #GenZ and for effectively “meeting people where they are”.

Let’s be clear: digital engagement is NOT only #Zoom and #SocialMedia. I’m impressed with the strategic view of the digital engagement tools presented
in the webinar.
I can’t wait to know more about it! Alice and Articulous Communications,
thank you very much for this experience!

Aline Faiwichow Estefam - Training participant

 “Amanda has delivered many training session for us and I trust her completely to do a great job. She receives a significant amount of praise from participants who are impressed by her leadership and vast breadth of knowledge in the community engagement field as well as her friendly, engaging training style.”  

Michelle Weston , Strategic Relations Advisor, Stakeholder and Community Relations

I can’t speak highly enough of Amanda. She was so generous with her expertise and real life experiences. This really helped me absorb the material. She is a powerful presenter and presented the materials in a compelling manner, an excellent trainer who created an inclusive and safe space to interact and learn.

Trainers Alice Sherring and Amanda Newbery sitting on the couch

Your trainers

Alice Sherring

With more than a decade of experience developing innovative stakeholder engagement strategies for complex projects, Alice is a highly sought-after facilitator, trainer and strategist.

An experienced trainer, Alice is known for her ability to clearly articulate and explore complex concepts and problems with diverse groups. Alice has provided executive coaching services for managers and executives in Queensland.

Amanda Newbery

Amanda is an international award-winning engagement and communications expert who has led multiple ground-breaking projects. Widely recognised for her ability to quickly understand attitudes, perceptions and markets, Amanda leads a team of senior professionals at Articulous, the award-winning company she founded.

Amanda is a high-energy facilitator who can inspire innovation and deftly bring people to consensus. Her passion makes her a highly sought-after speaker.

Amanda Newbery and Alice Sherring from Articulous Academy

Articulous Academy Alumni

All our course graduates are invited to join the AAA! Watch your email in the days after the course for your invitation.

Articulous Academy Alumni is growing group and you receive special goodies:

  • ^Monthly email with a detailed case study that you can learn from and apply to your own practice
  • ^Early notice and special pricing for all our courses
  • ^A quarterly webinar on engagement hot topics
  • ^priority access and special pricing for group coaching
  • ^And more – we're planning new goodies all the time!