Ipswich City Council engaged Articulous to support the delivery of a community education and engagement program for consultation on the draft new Ipswich planning scheme.
To meet their aim of a community consultation process that went beyond mandatory statutory requirements, a diverse range of education materials and engagement methods were developed. This facilitated greater opportunities to strengthen community understanding of the purpose and value of planning and empower more people to make meaningful contributions to both the new planning scheme and future planning processes. More than 50 unique education materials were developed for both current and future use, including 20 fact sheets, 25 zone cards, 5 educational videos, 3 webinars and a variety of key.
In total, just under 99,500 community members and stakeholders were engaged during consultation, resulting in 500+ formal submissions on the planning scheme. 700+ people were directly engaged through a diverse range of consultation activities including pop-up stalls, talk to a planner sessions, community meetings, a youth forum and targeted community information sessions. A further 200+ people made direct enquiries to the Ipswich City Design team face-to-face, over the phone and via email. 98,754 people were engaged online through the dedicated project page on Shape Your Ipswich and social media advertising.