Articulous developed and supported implementation of the strategic engagement plan for the City of the Gold Coast’s (CoGC’s) City Plan amendment package in 2019 (City Plan Major Updates 2 & 3) .
After previous planning scheme amendments received limited feedback, Council wanted a more engaging approach to consult industry and the community on the changes. Articulous developed creative and unique digital platforms to launch the project and engage stakeholders, including:
- An Augmented Reality poster explaining the changes
- Story mapping of the key messages in an online platform
- A touch sculptural survey with avatar animations.
Articulous also helped organise and deliver the highly successful industry event launch, ensuring participants were engaged and informed at the same time.
As a result, more than 14,500 visited the project’s online platform, 924 attended information sessions and more than 1,200 submissions, containing 544 unique submission points, were received. The submissions helped influence change, with amendments made to two items in the package.