Redland City Council – Maintenance and funding of revetment walls

The Challenge

Articulous was engaged by Redland City Council to design and deliver an engagement strategy that allowed Council to make an informed decision about the maintenance and funding of canal/lake revetment walls. This decision impacts the entire city so actively seeking community participation in a transparent process that provided a sustainable decision about funding was critical for success.

Our Action

Articulous facilitated dialogue that provided an opportunity for diverse views from a cross section of the City’s population including canal/lake residents as well as the broader community.

How It Happened

The key engagement activities included:
• Stakeholder workshops to deliberate on complex topics including canal and revetment wall funding and maintenance approaches within budget constraints
• City-wide engagement using a mix of market research, representative sampling, random selection, pop-up engagement at waterfront locations and train stations, stakeholder briefings, and stakeholder negotiations
• Collating and distributing stakeholder submissions
• A Citizen Advisory Board
• Project site tours
• Options development and consideration

The Outcome

The project gave community representatives detailed understanding of the complex factors that guide how Redland City Council plans and funds significant infrastructure activities.  

Through the project Redland City Council gained an in depth understanding on the community values that underpin how council should deliver and fund these activities.

This project gave Redland City Council clear community recommendations on how it should deliver and fund canal and lake maintenance activities.

redland city council logo which is the face of a koala