The values have served us well in practice and challenged us to deliver engagement that can meet these ideals. But, to me, there is one burning question and that is ‘do we need a refresh?’
Community Engagement
Community engagement versus stakeholder engagement
Over the past few months of IAP2 training there have been some very interesting discussions about community versus stakeholder engagement.c
I’m Spending so much Money and Time on Engagement but Nothing’s Working
This is exactly what a company said when they called in desperation. They had a huge team, were spending lots on materials and they didn’t feel they were getting traction. And they are not alone.
How to Create an Engagement Strategy that’s not a Door Stopper
On complex projects, it’s really tempting to create a door stopper of an engagement strategy. The kind that’s so thick it probably rivals the length of the technical studies for the project you’re engaging on.
How can you build resilience when you work in community engagement
It’s Saturday, and you’ve had a long week already but you’ve got to manage a community drop in session.
The local community is angry. There’s an action group, and a particularly angry man.
IAP2 Spectrum – has it Reached its Use-by Date
I remember the first time I met the Spectrum. I was at a pub one night (truthfully – ok it was an IAP2 networking event when there were less than 100 members in Australasia). And it was love at first sight.
Community Engagement Jobs – Now and in the Future
Fifteen years ago, community engagement was a fringe profession; the domain of a few passionate experts. Cynics described engagement as a fad.
How Disaster Management is Impacting Engagement
In the past decade, across Australia a significant number of major disasters; including floods, fires, cyclones and storm surges; have caused billions of dollars damage to city and towns.
Engaging Mental Health Patients in Reform – What Happens When the Right People are in the Room
Community Engagement for Mental Health – What Happens When The Right People Are In the Room?