The world through someone else’s eyes can look very different from our own perspective.
Made a Monumental Mistake? It’s not all Doom and Gloom
Something you did just lost the company its biggest paying client.
The phone rings; giant beads of sweat start to gather on your forehead, your heart races and you know instantly what’s coming.
Soft Skills Make for Tough Leaders
Here’s a secret most Executives won’t tell you: on their route to the top, they most probably received communications training.
Why Do We Use Jargon And How Can We Stop?
Here is a shocking revelation, are you ready? We all use jargon at work because it puts us in a position of power.
Why Professional Services Firms Don’t Blog Well
In one month I had conversations with law firm, accountancy, IT and architecture partners complaining that their staff had nothing they could talk about.
They wanted to blog.
Visual Communication: Why Icons and Emoticons Matter
????. ?➕?
Community Engagement – Don’t Forget About The Data
Of late, our team has been very busy working on a few very interesting, challenging and exciting engagement projects.
What Having A Toddler Has Taught Me About Community Engagement And Communications
The flipside to being the parent of a toddler is the tantrums. As any parent, at any time, will tell you, there is nothing like a toddler tantrum to test your newfound Zen-like state. The best possible time for a tantrum too is at maximum inconvenience for you…
Does Game Of Thrones Reflect Real World Leadership?
***Spoiler alert from Season 5***
There’s something addictive about watching the complex, narcissistic and often brutal ways leaders go about their business in Game of Thrones.